Towards Better World...

Build a World Where All Youth Are Safe, Strong & Valued

Who We Are

Dr. Md. Atiqul Islam Foundation was established on July 20, 2018. The permanent address of the foundation is: Safalabari-Lakshmipur, Sajanpur, Gopalpur, Tangail. The operational area of the foundation covers the entire country of Bangladesh.

Registration Information: Certificate of Registration of Societies under Act XXI of 1860, Serial No. 13841/2022, registered with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies (RJSC) & Firms of Bangladesh.

On Monday afternoon, a discussion meeting was held at the Gopalpur Press Club with meritorious students from various educational institutions in Gopalpur Upazila. The event was presided over by Professor Zainul Abedin, with Dr. Md. Aminul Islam (Rubel), Associate Professor and Head of Studies (Scientist) at Denmark Technical University, as the chief guest. Special guest Mrs. Chadia Sultana, his spouse, was also present at the occasion.

What We Do

Activities of the Organization- The organization is committed to carrying out the following activities:


— Educational Programs.

Establishing and operating educational institutions.


- Healthcare Programs

Establishing community health service centers.


— Sports & Cultural/Entertainment Programs

Organizing and conducting various sports competitions.


— Communication and Environmental Development Programs

Improving communication infrastructure.


— Training Programs for Enhancing Knowledge, Skills, and Income

Organizing and conducting religious sermons (Waz) and other religious gatherings.


— Other Activities

Organizing and conducting religious sermons (Waz) and other religious gatherings.

Impact Stories

Md. Jamal A Migrant Worker Since He Was Just 12

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A Brighter Future — For Bangladeshi’s Children

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